4 Ways to Stay Safe When You Return Back to Work

As the restrictions begin to ease up, many are wondering what it will be like to go back to work and how we can do so safely. To help ensure that our patients stay safe, we wanted to share some tips to help make the transition easier.
1. Wear Face Masks
Although face masks are not the most comfortable accessory to wear for a long period of time, it is very important in eliminating the spread of the virus. There are three kinds of face masks: surgical, respirators, and cloth. The type of mask you need depends on the industry you are in.
Surgical face masks are fairly loose-fitting, disposable masks that are typically used by doctors, dentists, and nurses who often wear them while treating patients.
Respirators are masks that fit your face to protect the wearer from small particles in the air, like viruses. Healthcare workers use them to protect against airborne infectious diseases.
Cloth face masks are what are most commonly used at this time and are what most employers are recommending. Although they do not offer the same level of protection as surgical face masks or respirators, they still help prevent people without symptoms from transmitting viruses via their respiratory droplets.
Even though face masks can help reduce the spread of the coronavirus, they only do so if worn correctly and frequently.
2. Increase Sanitation Practices
How often is your business sanitizing your equipment and commonly touched items such as tables and doorknobs? It is important when you go back to the office that there are products (hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc.) and protocols in place of how often surfaces are wiped down. It also may be beneficial to eliminate the use of common areas that are used frequently such as the kitchen and conference rooms.
3. Consider Alternate Days
Another option that employers are considering is either having their employees come back in phases or completely alternating the days their employees come in altogether. By using one of these tactics, it allows your employees to ease back into working together, and it gives the employees that are working that day more space to social distance.
4. Distance Desks
In addition to either alternating days or bringing in employees in phases, it is a good idea to space out the desks if possible to give employees more room to stay away from others while in the office. With fewer employees, you can move out some of the current desks to dedicate more space to distancing.
If you have any recommendations on how to transition back to going back to work safely, please let us know.
If you would like to receive the COVID-19 antibody test, please call us at (949) 360-1069 to schedule an appointment.
If you would like to set up an in-person or telemedicine visit, our temporary hours of operations are:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
The safety of our patients and staff is our top priority. We are located in Aliso Viejo, California and we offer a wide range of services such as: urgent and primary care, sports medicine, and x-rays. If you need help with any of these services, please contact us at (949) 389- 8968. We appreciate the trust our patients have in us and look forward to being of service to you.